There is not yet a consensus on the origins of air dance, since it is one of the most recent disciplines or air practices created (in the seventies of the twentieth century), but it is often referred to (in the few materials that tell of its history) that most of the modern air arts come from the rituals of ancient cultures.

The French circus tradition

One of the most important tendencies that are usually portrayed when making the historical reconstruction of the discipline is the one that appeals to the evolution of the Circus, properly in France, where it is usually said that because it is one of the youngest aerial arts, it appeared in a French Circus School in 1959.

As a final project, the school would assign students to present their best act in a completely new way. It is related that a student of Cuerda volante found a stranger armed with cloth at the place of the presentation, presenting his act completely on these giving rise to the discipline.

The fabric acrobatics has apparently been created from an evolution of the fixed rope and flying rope techniques. Some say that it arises from the traditional trapeze, as a form of evolution even before reaching the trapeze, using the rope used for climbing. Some say that the canvas arises from performances (accidental or not) by artists who hung from the curtains at the back of the stage in the tents.


The fabrics and ropes -which are unstable elements- and sometimes the impulse from the wall, all the force is concentrated in the body. This is why a great deal of muscular work is done to support oneself in the air and flexibility to perform pirouettes.

But the most important thing is that by settling into a new space and position, we learn to recognize our body and feel more comfortable with it, while losing our fear and developing a great deal of patience, concentration and mental control.

Although at first it was believed that only people in good physical condition could practice it, experience has shown that with perseverance anyone can become a super “air dancer”. However, those who suffer from lower back injuries may wish to consult their doctor to see if they need to prepare themselves before performing the suspensions.

Risks of Air Dance

Minor injuries include fabric burns on the feet, arms and hands; sprains and dizziness. The dangers of practicing aerial dance are varied, so it is important that facility staff are given the body warmth required to perform the strength and stretching necessary to exercise the art of fabric.

Benefits of doing aerial dance

  1. Increase your endorphin level Just like many of the exercises, practicing aerial dance helps you increase your endorphin level making you happy almost instantly.
  2. If you’re looking for a low impact exercise for your knees and joints, this is ideal. Because much of the work is done in the air, your joints will be less exposed than if you were running.
  3. It reduces stress because the exercises involved in this practice involve managing breathing and resistance training for the muscles by maintaining certain postures. Stress tends to decrease because there is an oxygenation of the body and an elongation of the muscles.
  4. It strengthens the heart as well as the blood flow. Although it is not a discipline that is cardio as such, there is an increase in cardiovascular pressure when exercising the body, climbing the canvas and maintaining certain postures that imply muscular tension.
  5. Toning your body Exercises require strength in the arms, legs and abdomen, so that you can get on the treadmill, hold yourself up and do the postures and turns that go with the routine, and this results in an impressive calorie burn.
  6. It serves as a self-confidence therapy At first you may be afraid to climb, however as you go up you begin to see what is possible with the wonderful tool that is your body and you develop patience, concentration and mental strength, since you are the only one who can hold your weight in just a few inches of fabric.
  7. It helps you to have more flexibility and better coordination. This is vital before and after performing an activity like this. Before starting an exercise session, there is a warm-up time in which we need to stretch our muscles and adjust before getting on the canvas, so that our bodies are ready for the activity.
  8. Strengthens the lower back. If you suffer from low back injuries, this activity can help you heal, as it is not high impact and with flexibility exercises it can serve as therapy to reactivate you little by little.
  9. Many studies claim that exercise helps to increase bone density, in this case in aerial dance, it works with your body weight and in turn converts this activity into a weight bearing exercise, these being the most recommended exercises to strengthen your bones if practiced a little more than 90 minutes per week.

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