There are ways to be a better dancer by paying attention to some key details that characterize good dancers. In this article I want to share with you the most important of them.
Keep in mind that the ‘secrets’ described below are valid for everyone and certainly apply to you. Everyone can learn to dance well and you are no exception. Being aware of these few details and trying to apply them to your dance will soon make you a better dancer and stand out on the dance floor.
Listen to music
The dance is closely related to the music. Without music there is no dance. So keeping track of the beat is very important while we dance. I know, it sounds obvious, but you will be surprised how many people are dancing and not paying any attention to the music.
In fact, couples who are new to ballroom dancing are often completely unaware that the music exists, because they are too busy with the steps, leg coordination, etc.
Pose dancing
There’s a saying that you can recognize a dancer from the street. The reason is because of his bearing. Dancing in a relatively stretched out position is a sign of quality in almost all dances. There is a misunderstanding that Latin dances should be danced in a less stretched position. This is completely wrong. Using the body and being flexible in the back does not mean that we do not have to look for a straight position.
Hold the partner gently, but firmly
Oh, oh! The pair connection! It’s one of the most complicated issues really. If we put a lot of strength into it, we’re struggling, if we don’t put anything into it, our partner doesn’t understand us. Finding the point when the driving is smooth, but at the same time firm, is a matter of a lot of work.
Most dance partners are not able to drive and the result is that they always dance the same steps in the same order, something that becomes boring over time. Trying to drive, is the first step to get there. One secret is to know very well what you want the girl to do before you try to tell her.
Wearing dancing shoes
It’s inexplicable to me how people try to dance without a proper shoe. It’s like playing football without shoes. It’s possible, but from a distance, it doesn’t resemble dancing with a proper shoe. There are many models and preferences. Mine are towards a very flexible, sock type shoe, but at the same time, I don’t like to step barefoot on the floor. For girls there are companies that offer all kinds of colors and heels, so they can match any dress.
Follow the dance direction
How simple and logical this rule is, but there are so many people who still don’t know what the “dance line” is and in which direction it goes… It may be the fault of the teachers or inexperienced people, but stopping on the spot when everyone is driving is like stopping a car in the middle of the M-30.
Have wild cards ready so you don’t crash
Good dancers know how to get around on the floor and react when another couple is in their way. They have in their repertoire figures to be able to wait on site or change direction. The dancers who start dancing are very automatic, because they have few resources and because they do not have the ability to vary their choreography. The best way to get skill in this aspect is to think what figures we can use in different situations and then practice a lot.
Practice with the teachers
If someone is looking for a fast way to get to dance well, this is the best secret. Taking private lessons and dancing directly with the teachers accelerates your learning one hundred percent. This is the best thing you can do for your dance. For people who don’t have a partner, it’s certainly the only way, but I would say that even for couples taking classes to dance directly with the teachers is an experience that makes your dance evolve much faster.
Comfortable clothes
To dance we have to dress comfortably, avoid jackets with shoulder pads, these make the shoulders rise and the image is very ugly.
During the dance and according to the rhythm, we are doing a more or less intense physical exercise, but surely having a lot of clothes will make us sweat. So let’s wear comfortable and light clothes.
Don’t drink too much alcohol and don’t eat too much dinner
In general it is not typical for dancers to drink a lot but we still mention it: it is difficult to coordinate movements well when one has been drinking. And although a drink doesn’t hurt and even makes us loose our grip, overdrinking will make no one want to dance with us.
Eating too much makes us not want to go out dancing and stay home and watch TV.
Practice a lot
This is the most important secret I can give you. As in any activity, practicing it will make the difference between those who know how to dance well and those who don’t stand out so much.
Trying to dance everything you learn in class is important so that you don’t forget and so that you continue to evolve. Many people who don’t go out to practice end up erasing themselves from the classes, because they don’t advance or because they can’t keep up with the group.